Our Philosophy at GCAF is about training the central nervous system first and allowing the body to follow.

  • “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body”
  • Our technique is one created through an assessment of the individual.

Our assessment includes the following

  • Putting the client through specific movements to see how their body naturally responds to these exercises.
  • We test balance through a few tests of hip and core stabilization.

Our assessment allows our trainers to understand the personal needs of the client before creating a program for them.

This is essential as we all have different strengths and weaknesses.

We take a close look at spine stabilization and work directly with the inner (LOCAL) muscles to prevent injury and ensure maximum strength.

Our main philosophy is based on progression. We believe in letting your body tell us when its time to advance and not the other way around. This is key for true progress.

We have a clear emphasis on three avenues of fitness

  1. Endurance
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility/Stability

These three pillars of fitness constitute the complete physical body.